Bouncing Bunbuns (Rabbits/Bunnies; 1.5 hours)
We love to watch our bunbuns binkie! We have both indoor and outdoor bunnies, experience with 3 breeds and familiarization with 7 different breeds. Indoor and outdoor, while similar care requirements, do require different habitats and care for survival. Bunbuns make wonderful cuddly pets but show their love in different ways then you might expect! We will share with you these sweet displays of affection to help make sure a bunbun fits your family!
Thinking of adding bunnies to your home or backyard? Maybe just want to know more? This visit is for anyone considering adopting bunbuns. This visit will provide information on the different purposes and breeds, general care, and costs. Dependent on breed, bunbuns can be a significant investment of time and money when well cared for. This visit will cover in depth the responsibilities of raising health, happy bunbuns.
Why can’t bunbuns eat carrots? Indoor or outdoor? Meet, fur, or pet? What is a bunny binkie? Registered/Unregistered? What type of vet care is needed? How long do they live? How many do I need? What do they eat? How much do they cost? How to tell a boy or a girl? Can they tolerate hot/cold weather? How do you care for their teeth/claws/fur? What type of home do they need? What about allergies?
These are just a few of the questions you will know the answer to at the end of this visit. This information is key to raising healthy, happy bunbuns from kits to senior, thru changing weather of the seasons, and in a variety of environments while also providing pros/cons for cost and time related to care.
This is a hands on experience where you will hold, examine, and participate in care of bunbuns. Discussions and demonstrations will: allow for further exploration of breeds to identify best fits based on your specific goals and assist with locating breeders; seasonal feed and nutrition requirements; feed and water systems; bunny hutch building, care, and winterization/summer preparedness; diseases, prevention, medical care and emergency preparedness; claw, teeth, ear, and fur care; and more.